Saturday, August 31, 2019

“With Liberty and Justice for All”

An opinion of the social inequality that exists as it pertains to Gay Marriage Aimee L. Vroman Strayer University Online Introduction to Sociology SOC 100-015016 Professor Paul Humenik August 22, 2010 Abstract In recent years, the debate over same-sex marriage has grown from an issue that occasionally arose in a few states to a nationwide controversy. Indeed, in the last five years, the debate over gay marriage has been heard in the halls of the U. S.Congress, at the White House, in dozens of state legislatures and courtrooms, and in the rhetoric of election campaigns at both the national and state levels. Moreover, the battle over whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to wed shows no signs of abating. In the last year alone, three states have banned same-sex marriage and four states have legalized the practice. The time for debate is now over. The issue of gay marriage is not one of religious degradation, social erosion, or even ethical breakdown. It is an issue of inalienable rights guaranteed to all citizens of this country.The fact that our federal government does not recognize gay marriages is an atrocity and shameful at best. â€Å"The foundation to gay rights will ultimately be seen as the right to marry, because with that right firmly established in law, most other forms of discrimination could not be justified. † (Bidstrup, Why Gays Should Be Allowed To Marry, 1996) When we as a society look outwards, we see everything that we can do to help other societies attain our level of justice, personal and financial success, freedoms, and everything else that comes with our knowledge and perseverance.However, if we as a society were to look inward at ourselves (something that I am confident that only a small percentage of our society is willing to do) and at our society as a whole, would we see it in a different light? Would we see that even after fifty years of civil rights and equal opportunity that we still oppress and treat some groups of our society as second class citizens? Our country’s Bill of Rights has been modified by Constitutional Amendments to say the each and every American citizen has certain inalienable rights.The right to be married is one that we Americans hold near and dear to our hearts. Why then, is this particular right denied to the gay community? One of the biggest and loudest arguments against gay marriage in this country is that it is against God and that it is against what it says in the Bible (The Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve argument). Yes, this country was founded on Christian principles and laws that were perceived to be fair to all of its citizenry. However, this is not the seventeen hundreds nor is it the time of the Inquisition.This is the so called Modern Era, in which not only technology and finance are supposed to be upgraded and ever changing for the better but also societal acceptance of people that are different from what we perceive as mainstream and the societal norm. How can there be societal justice for the gay community when we as a society, who proclaim ourselves to be enlightened and forward thinking, deny even this most basic of rights to the gay community? The answer is simple; there can be no societal justice for the gay community in this aspect.What if we were to turn the tables on society and tell everyone that is not a part of the gay community that their marriages, civil unions, and other forms of partnership were invalid and no longer existed in the eyes of the government? There would be a societal upheaval. Anarchy would ensue and the government would be dismantled by the people. Later, when the people had decided that there had been enough chaos, reformed by the people and for the people. The only reason this has not happened with the gay community is because they are the minority in this case.For centuries of our country’s history, we have been guilty of oppressing and even enslaving the minorities within our society, to say n othing of denying them the inalienable rights called for in our own Constitution. Over time, those minorities that have fought and fought hard for these rights have eventually been afforded these rights by Constitutional Amendments. Yet still, here we sit in the twenty-first century, and we still cannot see past our own biases and our deep rooted fears of anything that is different or contrary to us.At the end of the day, our opposition to gay marriage stems ultimately from a deep-seeded homophobia in our culture and society, borne almost entirely out of religious prejudice. While many of us do not realize that homophobia exists to the extent that it does, it is a very real part of every gay person's life, just like racism is a very real part of every African American’s life. It is there, it is pervasive, and it has far more serious consequences for our society than most of us realize, not just for gay people, but for society in general.This religious prejudice comes from sev eral well known entities. Those entities include, but are not limited to, the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the American Family Association, and Focus on the Family, and the most conservative of Protestant sects. Together with their various political subsidiary groups, a whole host of smaller right-wing political and religious organizations, and a few out-right hate groups, they are shaping national and local policy towards the gay community.They spend millions of dollars twisting and deforming referendums, propositions, and other local instruments of law solely for the purpose of fear mongering to scare the populace into line at the polls. It is these kinds of tactics being employed that are outdated and flat out wrong in the moral and ethical sense. They say that money corrupts; well the proof is in the proverbial pudding. The fear mongering turns into unparalleled hate and it is fueled by these so called â€Å"Christian† organizations. This is contrary to the Christi an way of life and contrary to the convictions of a Christian.Hatred by itself, dressed up as religious dogma has been used for so long that it is beginning to lose its effectiveness (eventually people begin to figure out that it is mostly a tactic for filling pews, collection plates and campaign coffers more than it is a way of reforming lost souls and improving society), so the more clever of these organizations have begun to move onto a slick propaganda effort based on that long-time favorite winner, fear (Bidstrup, Gay Marriage: The Arguments and Motives, 2009). The time for rhetoric and Bible thumping is over. Our country had its time of religious revolution.It is now time for every person, regardless of gender, race, religious belief, or sexual orientation, to be given the rights that our laws and traditions provide. This idea has been the cornerstone of our society and our nation for hundreds of years. â€Å"We cannot accept the view that Amendment 2's prohibition on specifi c legal protections does no more than deprive homosexuals of special rights. To the contrary, the amendment imposes a special disability on those persons alone. Homosexuals are forbidden the safeguards that others enjoy or may seek without constraint. (Kennedy, Stevens, O'Connor, Souter, Ginsburg, & Breyer, 1996) In the Supreme Court opinion that this quote is taken from, it says very plainly that a state (Colorado in this case) cannot prevent any group of persons from taking part in any public or private transaction. Though this case was hotly debated over the next fifteen years, Colorado in 2007 passed a law prohibiting any discrimination against homosexuals. Now if one state can do this and then another and then another, why is it so hard for our federally elected officials to do the same thing?The only answer that I can give is the activists, hate groups, and church lobbyists that throw millions of dollars into the coffers of our Senators and Congressman. This dirty money en sures that once again they will get elected and that once again they will vote to keep the gay community as second class citizens. This state of affairs is unacceptable. The time for change is now. Freedom is the right of every American regardless of gender, race, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation. It is high time that we, as a society, stand up and say in one unified voice, â€Å"This is wrong and we are not going to stand for it any longer!Works CitedBidstrup, S. (2009, June 3). Gay Marriage: The Arguments and Motives. Retrieved August 19, 2010, from Bidstrup. com: http://www. bidstrup. com/marriage. htm Bidstrup, S. (1996, December 4).Why Gays Should Be Allowed To Marry. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Bidtrsup. com: http://www. bidstrup. com/hawaii. htm Kennedy, A. M. , Stevens, J. P. , O'Connor, S. D. , Souter, D. H. , Ginsburg, R. B. , & Breyer, S. G. (1996, October 20).Supreme Court Bound Volume 517. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from United States Supreme Court : http://www. supremecourt. gov/opinions/boundvolumes/517bv. pdf

Friday, August 30, 2019

Criminal and Gang Members Anonymous Essay

Criminal and Gang members Anonymous is a program which involves a 12 step established by Richard Mejico. Criminals and Gang members Anonymous is a dogmatic and a non-profit organization whose primary aim is to help individuals who are honestly willing to quit gang involvement. The organization chief objective is to help criminals and gang members who honestly want to quit from gang and other criminal activities. They offer an alternative lifestyle free of illegal and violent activities through 12 step principles of recovering from devastating addictions. The organization is driven by their principal goal and welcomes all interested members to quit dreadful effects of gang operations. The organization acknowledges that gang involvement is intertwined to other compelling and addictive habits. The gang involvement may be addictive since they may be in form of co-dependency or in form of chemical dependence. The organization achieve to help these members to abandon from gang activities by helping them identify the magnetic force of gang manipulation that initiates compelling actions that have repugnant results. CGA members are addicted to destructive activities including hard drugs. These members have experienced a lot and they recognize that the end results of gang operations and destructive behavior is physical impairment, incarceration or death. Their wish is to help gang members abandon these addictive criminal activities and help restructure their communities rather than destruction. The following 12 steps of CGA will help these gang members quit from devastating past and lead decent lives. Reviewing the pat and admitting lack of guts to control addiction from any form of illegal activity which make life unmanageable and worthless. Become willing and believe that change is possible by learning from ex-gang members who have passed the path of recovery by learning the end results of destructive behaviors. Deciding to abandon destructive behaviors in exchange of moral principles and seeking God’s care, guidance and protection. Thorough review of the past, making a list of the right and wrong deeds and make reform strategies. Seeking forgiveness from God, ourselves and people around as well as confessing our illegal activities to a trusted person. Make personal commitment of abandoning illegal behaviors and focus on living manageable and decent lives through moral principles. Honest recognition of the shortcomings whenever bad thinking comes up and immediately rectifying our actions and thinking. Making a thorough list of all the destructive actions, realize the impact of gang activities in our lives and become fully committed to undergo reform. Asking for forgiveness from the people who were harmed and avoiding causing more harm. Admitting to take daily records of the behavior and have courage to admit the wrong. Seeking to improve spiritual awareness through mediation and prayer and asking for forgiveness and guidance in living decent lives, being responsible and caring for others. Realizing spiritual awakening by implementing the 12 steps and share first hand experience to other people who are willing to quit gang activities, assuring them that change is possible and living appropriately. Richard was sentenced to death for murder case in the Mule Creek prison. He was a hard core gang member, but he learnt a lot from Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. He was given this book by a nun who visited him and changed his way of thinking and living. The book helped him to understand that change was possible and the teachings could be applied to criminals. Richard started to change other inmates and started CGA in 1997. The growth of youth gang and gang violence is being experienced in the modern society. There is an approximate of 3000 gangs with around 800000 gang members in America. Professionals are researching for appropriate strategies of saving the youths from gang crimes. The youths usually get involved in gang activities since they believe there are no alternative lifestyles. Building trust is one of the major barriers towards assisting the youth to abandon these gang activities. In order to get helped these criminals must acknowledge that they are addicted to these des tructive behaviors. These criminals and gang members should also understand the end results of their actions which will help them to take necessary measures. Gang and criminal activities are deeply rooted to a twisted way of thinking. Criminals and gang members think that the advice and opinions from others are inappropriate. They tend to talk more, but they never say what they feel. Their true friendship is basically with addictive behavior, illegal activity or chemical substance. They tend to think that going to school is less significant and reject fundamental principles of success. Principles of success help people to learn on how to live. The existence of gang members and criminals is characterized with confusion and anger thus they tend to seek gratification and relief from alcohol and drugs as well as being violent to others without any valid reason. They only feel life to revolve around them, their needs and wants and never consider other people’s feelings and opinions. They think they are hunters, yet they are hunted since they rarely find peace and harmony. These gangs and criminals have come to realize that change is pos sible and has chosen to undertake reform programs. Organizations and rescue centers have been founded to enhance radical transformation of the gangs and criminals as well as society’s attitudes toward the offenders. They also encourage the society to have positive attitude towards treatment of these offenders (Alexander, 2000). Homeboy industries is an organization that was formed to transform the live of offenders. They serve risky ex-gang members by offering free services and programs and also operate several social enterprises which serve as job-training centers. In 1972, Soledad Enrichment Action Inc. was found. Soledad Enrichment Action Inc. is a non-organization that was found by mothers who had lost their loved ones in gang violence.SEA has grown from a humble beginning to a famous service provider to high risk people, gang victim communities and families around Southern California. SEA main objective is to empower families, youth and communities by providing them with resources, guidance and support. SEA currently operates seventeen education centers, where they provide alternative education model to families and the youths. Their education program is personalized and hence enables high-risk persons to earn high school diploma. SEA admits an estimate of 3500 students per year who are the age of 14-1 8. SEA has a 77% successful completion due to their intense focus and rigorous standards. SEA provide intervention, civic engagement, reintegration, and support to victims of crime. SEA’s holistic program encourage individuals to learn to become better parents, accessing social services, gain employment, live successful lives, and completing high school education. SEA works with victims by helping them realize their potential, where they are, and help them to create a success path. SEA uses a multi-faceted approach to succeed in their objectives. The L.A. gang violence prevention and intervention program to be held in 2014 is focused in determining the initial cause of gang violence and come up with resolutions to combat those causes. Research reveals that social determinants and multiple environmental impacts push young youth into gang involvement. These factors include; poverty, early childhood trauma, addiction to the lifestyle, structural racism, traumatized communities, parenting as well as violent culture in the community. Abuse which includes substance abuse, sexual abuse and mental health might also be causal factors to gang involvement. Change should start from within rather than expecting others to initiate change. However, many people confuse the world change with system change because they believe that it is challenging for an individual or a single organization to transform the entire system. Another organization that transforms lives of offenders is Californians for Safety and justice. Californians for Safety and Justice is a nonprofit oriented organization which works with Californians from different walks of life to replace justice and prison system waste in general reforms that create a conducive community. Through partnership, public education, public advocacy as well as support to local best practices, California for safety and justice is able to promote effective criminal justice objective aimed at preventing cycles of crime and enhancing a peaceful community. Californians for Safety and Justice has a network of more than 5800 crime victims. The organization coagulate community and business leaders, law enforcement, health professionals, policymakers, crime prevention professionals and educators to replace expensive, old fashioned approaches of conducting business using latest justice priorities that advance public safety without depleting resources from social amenities. Californians for Safety and Justice is greatly supported by other foundations with similar objectives. Beit T’Shuvah is another residential and treatment center. Their services include family counseling, support, prevention programs, professional training and court advocacy to the community. The treatment admission programs that Beit T’shuvah offers include sex addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcohol addictions and other violent behaviors to male and females. The mission of rescue and reform centers is to strengthen and unify voices of individuals and other members of the organizations who are committed to abandon the epidemic of gang violence through provision of resources, education and policy advocacy. These gang and criminals wish to abandon destructive behaviors since they acknowledge that they jeopardize community health, build up and initiate health inequalities. There is relationship between gang, drugs, firearm violence and firearm accessibility. There is high prevalence of gun violence and homicide in many European countries. In order to combat gang and criminal activity, it is vital to understand the role of drugs and gangs in enhancing violence. Acknowledging the trend and reasons behind gun violence increase especially among youthful gangs has become an issue of concern. Governments have designed and implemented various policies aimed at reducing gun violence, however, some pose more harm than good. The increased gang violenc e can be associated by the increase in urban street gangs. Most firearm homicide cases have been associated to wars among groups of youth and gangs who are involved in the drug activities (Alexander, 2000). The ex-gang members explain how gang destructive behavior is associated to gun availability and drugs. Participation in gangs increases the probability of the youths getting involved in guns. Violence is a complex issue which governments are unable to control through regulation to gun access. The limits to private ownership of firearms aim at cutting down the access of firearms by the offenders. However, the criminals still access firearms from black markets. Richard Mejico, the founder of CGA recognized that his glory was destructive thus he started the mission of requesting his fellow prisoners to abandon gangs and prison lives. The organization is also likely to cut down crime outside the prison. On September 21st, the officials held 65 corrections and politicians in a forum set for CGA. This forum aimed at spreading the organization. Mejico and at least 30 robbers, rapists, and killers testified how the program had changed their lives. Mejico criticized people’s view of ga ng members; he said that they have fear and all they need is love from the society. They should not be asked about what they have done since that is their past rather people should focus on helping them to reform. They can learn to love the same way they learn violent behaviors. Retrieved from CGA program has spread since its humble beginning at Mule Creek in 1997, where inmates are transferred to other prisons. Mejico’s objective is to inspire others to spread the program in schools, communities and prisons. He also added that he did not start the organization for recognition, but because it saved his life. Mule Creek spokesperson said that Mejico served two years imprisonment for killing a man who defiled his girlfriend. Two months later, Mejico committed another murder for his group in Los Angeles. This was a double murder and he was sent to death line. In the prison, he gained reputation as the Mexican mafia due to other gang members’ loyalty. A nun regularly visited him at San Quentin State prison and pestered him to abandon gang activities. He usually listened but he never changed until the Supreme Court ruled out that his death sentence be changed into life imprisonment in 1978. He also acknowledged that change is strategic and not immediate. Mejico st udied degree in psychology in San Jose University. Alcoholics Anonymous program is another field that he pursued, but it did not touch his issues. He came to understand how he developed hatred since his girlfriend was raped. He came to understand that his hatred was initiated by emotions rather than any reason. The first step for the people undertaking the program is to admit that their lives are not manageable. Then they should research on what propelled their deviance, look for divine growth and formulate amendments with victims. In a meeting at Mule Creek prison, prisoners testified of how their youthful pains initiated violent crimes. One of the prisoner by the name Willie, spoke of how his hate for his abusive and often abusive dad. His father’s meekness propelled him to kill to get behind bars. Willie also stabbed a man in the prison. He also admitted of how he was addicted to destructive behavior. Mejico said that the resentment force driving violent actions should not be an escape goat. Being honest and humble with one self and cutting short the false comfort of gangs or crime is very significant to achieving transformation. Mejico acknowledge that there is additional tranquility for the potential victims who are undertaking the program. A 26 year old prisoner, Joey Ray Lucero who pleaded guilty for attempted murder came to learn that gang life is wrong. While serving his sentence at Mule Creek prison, he joined CGA and he is currently helping potential victims to abandon their destructive behavior. He is also undertaking lectures at East Los Angels College where he also joined football club. Lucero said that he was raised in San Diego as a third-generation member of a gang in his neighborhood. His peers were heroin addicts where he was shown to be loyal to show no pain to the gang. Lucero said, â€Å"†You spend all those years fighting for a street corner or number or color that isn’t yours, lot of bloodshed – five, six generations – for what?† He regrets he cannot pay a visit to his old neighborhood because of the fear of being killed for betraying his gang members. On the other side he is happy since the CGA program had completely changed his life. Mejico believes that he can spre ad the program through CGA website and writing letters to the public as well as other potential victims. He also said that offenders should speak out their problems so that they won’t harm anybody. He also asked people to support his mission since he is still serving his life sentence. Retrieved from In conclusion, CGA is a very significant program that helps offenders to understand that being courageous is not characterized by actions of violence to earn praise from the gang members. True courage can be defined as the act of doing what is right and best to ourselves. It is the ability of refusing being manipulated by other and taking positive direction to achieve decent and manageable lives. Gang and criminal activities is an addictive behavior and should be addressed just like any other epidemic. The first step towards transformation is for the potential victims to realize that their lives are unmanageable followed by identifying what initiated their deviance. This will help them seek spiritual growth and in making amendments with other victims. The offenders should also believe that change is possible; however, it is gradual rather than immediate. References Seeking freedom from gangs’ grip – Criminals and Gangmembers Anonymous . (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2014, from Alexander, R. (2000). Counseling, treatment, and intervention methods with juvenile and adult offenders. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Promising and model crime prevention programs. (2008). Ottawa: National Crime Prevention Centre. Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles – Who We Are. (n.d.). Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles – Who We Are. Retrieved May 12, 2014, from Source document

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bread Mold Experiment

Bread Mold Experiment By: Stephanie Westover PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment will be to determine how temperature affects the growth of mold on wheat bread. The researchers choose this topic because she thinks it will be beneficial to find a way to keep food from molding. Determining how long bread can be stored before molding can help save money, prevent illness and preserve freshness. The question the researcher will attempt to answer is how freezing affects the rate of mold growth in wheat bread.The information gathered in this experiment may be relevant to those individuals who contend with food borne molds at home, or professionally. Because the rate of mold growth can vary depending on the type of bread tested, the researcher will limit this study to a commonly available variety of wheat bread that can found in most stores. This will make the results of this experiment more relevant to average consumers and it will enable the results to be generalized across a larger selection of commercially produced wheat breads. Having some understanding of common practices regarding food storage and mold growth, the researcher sought out formal studies of food borne mold growth to help develop my hypothesis. What the researcher discovered was that food storage at low temperature slows many of the enzymatic reactions involved in spoilage and reduces the growth rate of microorganisms. (Microsoft Encarta, 2007) This literature review shows that refrigeration slows the growth rate of mold. Further, the article demonstrated that refrigerators should be kept at temperatures 32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit to minimize bacterial growth.In this procedure the researcher discovered that refrigeration does indeed slow the growth rate of mold. Many organisms will not grow at all or will grow at a slower rate if stored in low temperatures. While low temperatures are not bactericidal, the low temperatures do slow the growth rate of bacteria. Although a few microbes will grow in super cooled solutions as low as minus 20o c, most foods are well-preserved against microbial growth in the household freezer. (Todar, Kenneth, 2011) In this article it states that even a household freezer can preserve foods against growth of mold if set at the right temperature.The researcher discovered that the zip lock baggie that the freezer in this experiment did in fact preserve the bread against the growth of mold. DESIGN The experiment design will be as follows: The researcher will purchase a loaf of commercially produced wheat bread and record the rate of mold growth on that bread over a period of 10 days at three different temperatures. The researcher will use commercial grade thermometers placed in a standard refrigerator, freezer and kitchen countertop to measure temperature. A commercial grade thermometer was used as it is close to the same type used in a typical restaurant.The researcher will place one piece of bread in a clear, sealed zip lock bag and put one of those bags in each of the three temperatures zones. Zip lock baggies were chosen over any other standard container because it was t he best choice to keep out any bacteria that might give false results. She will remove each test bag from its controlled temperature zone and measure the mold growth on each piece of bread through the clear zip lock bag using a fractional ruler. The researcher will record those measurements in a log book noting the time, temperature variation if any, and size of mold growth in inches.She will then immediately replace the bag back into its respective temperature zone. The researcher will repeat those measurements for 10 days and summarize my findings at that time. The researcher will be using commercially available wheat bread so that the results of this experiment can be at least partially generalized to all commercial bread products. She will be using common temperature settings throughout the experiment to mimic what is found not only in most households, but also in many commercial food establishments.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group Case Study

The Kimpton Hotel and Restaurant Group - Case Study Example Be in one of the most highly rated industries for stability and success, the Kimpton Hotel offers a high quality services to everyone who wants an excellent rest. It is advantage is that the Kimpton Hotel can meet the requirement of wide audience. The high quality services are the main success factor. The core strategy is to maintain a friendly, fair, and creative environment, which respects the customers. However, more than ever, people need cozy places to spend a vacation, including the rich and famous or simple people who simply need to look their best in their favorite outfit. Another factor is a demand for hotel rooms which increased from by 3.1% in 1997-1998. Also, workability of business is explained by tourism popularity and increasing number of people traveling around the world. The Kimpton boutique Hotels are oriented on a specific customer target: "people who do like generic activities and Starbucks" (Case study). The Kimpton Hotels do not reduce costs as it can worsen qua lity of their services. Thus the core strategy is to deliver customer satisfaction and gaining customers loyalty; to maintain a friendly, fair, and creative environment, which respects the customers. The Kimpton boutique Hotels decided to expend geographically and looked for property in Seattle, Tacoma, Chicago, the Eastern Coast, etc. The Kimpton is a market leaders which 67% of the market share. The Kimpton has a successful mix of tangible res... The Kimpton heavily invests in old fashioned hotels redesigning their services and interior. Non-price competition and "mongoose strategy" help the Kimpton to sustain market position and create long-term relations with the consumers. The effective operation of business is dependent on the maintenance of tangible and intangible resources (buildings, services, etc). Indeed, company welfare or personnel practice is designed partly as a maintenance activity, e.g. training and retraining to maintain the availability of appropriate skills, facilities to maintain human capacity (McDonald and Christopher 45). The main competences involve technological competence that accumulates not only in the heads of people, but also in the technical/physical systems that people build over time: databases, machinery, software, and so on. The accumulation of employee knowledge is guided and monitored by the company's system of education, rewards, and incentives. These systems are often called management systems, and they create the channels by which knowledge is accessed and flows-and barriers to the same. Core competences allow the company to achieve strong leadership and compete on the market. They involve unique brand image and proposition, direct marketing skills and minimization of working capital. Distinctive competences allow the Kimpton to sustain competitive advantage and compete with such giant as Hilton Group. The main distinctive competences are excellent customer support and low cost. The Kimpton target is on average as dependent on reliable information technology as any other businesses. T hey care more about reliable service and confidence than about the lowest price. They don't want to rely solely on their own expertise, so they choose instead to deal with us with our

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Operations and Systems Literature review

Business Operations and Systems - Literature review Example It was one of the first chief oil firms to openly declare the necessity to protect the environment through minimization of greenhouse gases emission. BP has main listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a component of FTE 100 index. As of December 2011, the market capitalization stood at ? 87.1 billion making it rank fourth largest of any firm quoted on the London Stock Exchange (BP, 2012; p. 2). New York Stock Exchange has the secondary listings of the firm. The success of the firm is instrumentally motivated by the kind of operational strategies used by the management of BP. Power and capabilities have been effective in the firm in the development of world market for its products among other oil firms. As mentioned earlier, the firm operates in all the six continents globally within 100 States. The primary objective of the firm has been to drill and locate oil in various parts of the world. Other main functions have been to explore and produce crude oil and natural gas, refining of crude oil, market distribution and hauling and manufacture of petrochemicals. The firm has also considered producing solar power. Therefore, the tactical management of operations can be seen as instrumental in the success of the firm. As one of the greatest petrochemical and oil production company the firm has considered to specialize in exploration and production of gas, supply of the petroleum products and production and distribution of various chemicals. Currently, the firm has rapid modification of its outside market as the firm has highly regarded itself as contemporal learning organization, which is obliged to be reactive and adaptive to the high technology in the... The business can make use of this in their interior operations that can be applied to consignees, distributors and stakeholders. The process of payment or status of the cargo or consignment can be easily received thus providing an efficient channel for replenishment of stock at the right time. This technology can be used to assist the firm in minimizing the risks associated with the inventory management and maximization of sales through reduction of life cycles of the products. Furthermore, competitive advantage can easily be achieved considering the fact that there is an easy order-entry procedure and reduced paper work. Even though there are apparent benefits for companies and development of these operational management systems, there are still some observable challenges. Therefore, the firm’s management must be in a position to guarantee the obstacles can be handled with care to avoid loopholes in the system. What’s more, it is observable that the status of economy c an trigger British Petroleum to consider using all their arsenals in delivering products and services to various segments of the global market. The application of operational business management approach can help make more efficient the business assortment of the firm.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis on a marketing news story which has appeared in 2013 Essay

Analysis on a marketing news story which has appeared in 2013 - Essay Example The review of the article reveals that the company wants to introduce digital marketing as a means of targeting its customer base in the United States. Analysis P & G, like its other competitors, has been following a combination of traditional and innovative marketing strategy for its products. However, keeping in view the market data and research findings of changing trends in consumers’ lifestyle, the management has decided to adjust its strategies accordingly (Serena & Vranica, 2013). After reading the article, it is inferred that the company is planning to spend more on online marketing activities of its products, owing to the fact that a vast number of Americans are expected to prefer spending more time on the internet rather than watching television. This shift in the consumers’ behaviour has in turn influenced P & G’s marketing experts to focus more on digital marketing concept (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The digital marketing concept, which involves the use of internet and mobile as a marketing channel, has been considered by the company as a replacement of its marketing campaigns on television (Ryan & Jones, 2012; Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Egan, 2007). The fact that digital marketing is cheaper and, with consumers spending more time on the internet, is more targeted, the company has aimed at spending one third of its total budget for marketing on the online advertisement and marketing campaigns in the United States (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The decision to switch from television and other traditional marketing channels to internet and mobile can be viewed as an intelligent one, since the marketing mix for the company can be developed in a more prudent manner (Ryan & Jones, 2012). As for instance, by marketing its products online, the company will be able to target its customers and inform them about products in a much more convincing and effective manner. Moreover, it will be possible for the customers to obtain information as per their respective needs, because the review of literature pertaining to digital marketing suggests that internet is an interactive marketing medium and is considered as a many-to-many model, in comparison with traditional one-to-many marketing channels (Silva & Vassiljev, 2011; Ryan & Jones, 2012). According to Hoffman and Novak (1996), internet as a marketing medium is a proficient means of communicating and advertising a product to target customers. Keeping in view the concept of â€Å"flow† which is defined as a process of optimal flow by Csikszentmihalyi (1990), Hoffman and Novak (1996) state that â€Å"when in flow in a particular Web site, a consumer will be more likely to remember the brand name, feel good about the brand, and be more likely to return on a subsequent occasion.† (p.2) These attributes of internet as a marketing medium have been taken into consideration by P & G’s marketing team, and in this regard the Chief Executive of the company has stated th at, â€Å"digital is incredibly effective, and we're doing more† (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The fact that there are some brands of the company, such as Tide and Pantene (Serena & Vranica, 2013), which have lost their respective market shares, and as a consequence the company has decided to introduce innovative strategies that may lead to capturing a significant market share in the United States. In addition to this, it is also pertinent to mention here that the company’s Chief Executive regards this strategic move of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Security proposal for college Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Security proposal for college - Coursework Example We have also demonstrated our capability to fulfill these needs. We look forward to an opportunity to discuss this proposal and answer any questions that may arise. Thank you in advance. Sierra Joint Community College Security Needs Assessment After an appraisal of the current state of your security system, Gibraltar Security Firm has identified the following as the most pressing areas that need to be addressed: 1. There is a need for an emergency security management system in the college. As of now, there is lack of properly demarcated assembly points, emergency communication systems and emergency preparedness personnel. 2. Streamlining of responsibilities in inventory is necessary in several of your departments. There is lack of traceability in the laboratory and the general stores department due to overlap of duties and lack of clear restrictions as to who has access to which aspects of the department. This creates a possibility of pilferage that may be untraceable. 3. The distrib ution of security lights within the college needs to be addressed. Whereas some sections of the college are well lit including the administration blocks and laboratories and lecture halls, other critical areas such as the student hostels, parking lot, the perimeter fence and infrequently used roads bear poor lighting. 4. The distribution of the existing security personnel is wanting. ... Currently, the security cameras in the college serve only the administration blocks and the finance department which leaves room for security breach in several other critical areas especially while appreciating the fact that the college is considerably sizeable and filled with infrastructure and facilities. 6. The library is in need of a modernized security system. Currently, security personnel bear the responsibility of ensuring that only borrowed material gets out of the library. Through a complete overhaul and implementing barcodes on books and detectors at the library entrance, library resources will be secured adequately. 7. There is need for an intrusion detection system serving the most critical areas of the college. Whereas the perimeter and internal fences are in a good state, there is always a possibility that they may be breached. Hence, areas such as the administration block, finance, laboratories and stores departments are in need of intrusion detection devices. Out of t his analysis, the threat probability ranking for your college is 2 (1: Frequent, 2: Probable, 3: Occasional, 4: Remote, 5: Improbable). Thus, there is a clear and urgent need to address these issues and implement a proper security system at Sierra Joint Community College Security. Proposed Action Plan The goal of the proposed action plan is to improve the probability ranking of the college to 4. The objectives that will guide the proposed plan towards the set goal are as follows: 1. To provide a security system that assures all members of the Sierra Joint Community College Security community a sense of security. 2. To establish a system composed of security personnel integrated appropriately in the overall operation to maximize

How to successfully implement technological change using Essay

How to successfully implement technological change using sociotechnical principles lessons from case studies - Essay Example The whole electric-power industry felt the consequences" (Strategos, 2008). The problems that occurred at Babcock and Wilcox were attributed to quite a few different factors, namely technological difficulties. The company had built a plant at Mt. Vernon on the Ohio River and had pre-sold an entire year of pressure vessels. Before long, they noticed that every single one of the pressure vessels they were manufacturing was behind schedule (Strategos, 2008). Other problems abounded at the Mt. Vernon plant. Labor shortages, malfunctioning machines, rigid standards, and added expenses plagued the company, causing unprecedented delays to take place. Critics of the company's management team also say that corporate arrogance played a role, as had the choice for the location of the plant in the first place (in an area where labor was short and people were very difficult to train). A lot of money had to be spent in vain training workers that only 33% stayed behind after training to actually work for the company. In addition to being short on labor, the company was also short on skilled labor. The company also had equipment problems. These led to even further delays in getting the pressure vessels out (Strategos, 2008). Its customers were so frustrated by the delays that they began to take partially-manufactured units out of the Mt. Vernon plant and have the company's competitors finish them. The costs associated with these customers waiting any longer were just too high (Strategos, 2008). Kaizen Event for NC Machining According to the case study for this particular machining company "A Kaizen Event helped a jobbing-type machine shop implement workcells and set the stage for dramatic improvements in inventory, delivery, productivity, and quality." In this particular case, the results were that, "In the three months after cell startup, the pump assembly line was never once stopped or inconvenienced by a parts shortage from this cell. WIP inventory went from three months to three days. Productivity improved by about 50%. Capacity was released for increased production demand. Quality improved" (Strategos, 2008). Mechanical Control Cables This case study tells about an older organization that had grown to be very successful, but as has often been the case, met up with technological times and hit a roadblock. Their traditional way of doing things had led to too much overhead. After 2-3 consultants spent a great deal of time at the company and "taught, learned, experimented, and cajoled" (Strategos, 2008). According to the case study for this particular company, "In the end, five workcells were in place and a macro layout showed the locations of remaining cells. Training was well along and teams were developing. Supervisors were learning to deal with the cell environment. Mechtrol carried on this work in the years that followed" (Strategos, 2008). Compare & Contrast The last two cases are similar in structure, but are completely different from the first case. In the first case, major problems are causing unforgivable delays that rocked an entire industry. In the second and third cases, a few relatively minor adjustments in cell layout needed to be made in order to maximize speed, efficiency, productivity, and overall profitability. The decisions were also better thought out in the second and third cases, and the management teams took things impressively slower

Saturday, August 24, 2019

US History and Society - Mexican War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

US History and Society - Mexican War - Essay Example The Mexicans considered Texas to be a province in a state of rebellion while America considered Texas to be a part of its growing western frontier (Heidler & Heidler, 2006). The war was also a party issue as Whigs in the American congress opposed the war while the democrats supported the war by taking it a sign of the manifest destiny of the Americans to have dominion over the entire continent as discussed by Thoreau (1998). While America had previously offered to purchase the territory of Texas in a manner similar to the Louisiana Purchase, the Mexican government did not want to part with any territory belonging to it. Texas also had internal issues of control for the Mexican government as Americans who had moved to Texas were accustomed to the freedom of religion which was present in America but not in Mexico since it was a largely Catholic country. The Texas rebellion led to the creation of an independent republic which quickly established diplomatic ties with other countries but these ties and the status of Texas as an independent country were not recognized by Mexico (Heidler & Heidler, 2006). The political situations in all three regions made war inevitable and after many battles between forces from both sides, America stood victorious and brought Mexico to the negotiations table. Mexico not only lost Texas in the war but also lost large portions of other parts of its dominion in the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed in 1848 (Bauer, 1974). While the war was over with this treaty, the after affects of the treaty only became clear when the dust had settled. America gained new states which were formerly controlled by Mexico and these included regions which are known today as California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming. Mexico was given $15 million and some debts which the Mexicans owned to Americans were assumed by the United States government. This settlement was actually

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research methods applied to the cyber crime like identity theft( use a Thesis

Research methods applied to the cyber crime like identity theft( use a proper name if you want) - Thesis Example Such developments has made communication a second’s task, where a large amount of data and information can be collected and used for a number of purposes easily. However, these developments can be seen as positive for human beings, but these can also be seen as a negative phenomenon. It is usually called as the â€Å"double edged sword†, where it has both bright and dark sides. Though computer and information technology has proved to be much useful for communication and business development, but it has also created new ways for doing illegal or criminal activities (Gordon, Hosmer, Siedsma, & Rebovich, 2003). A number of commercial websites are performing business activities online, or others using computers to gather and accumulate critical information in order to use it for business purposes. Such businesses have been nowadays facing the issues of misuse of information or other kinds of crimes with regard to the sensitive information. In order to combat these criminal and delinquent activities, they have to perform overwhelming, and expensive job of safeguarding their critical information, which can be used for delinquent actions. In these days, it is easier to do crime, as criminals are able to encode the data, which is showing some proofs against their delinquent actions, and also transfer such data regardless of having fear of being noticed from Police side or Law agencies. Such criminal activities has made it more complex to detect any corruption. As the internet has astonishing effects on this area, where it is being impossible to detect a person due to the fact that the crime can be held regardless of any geographical area. This situation has convoluted the enquiry of cybercrime to the greater extent (Gordon, Hosmer, Siedsma, & Rebovich, 2003). In this regard, there are a number of new studies and fields of a study are emerging, and among these a Cybercrime Science is such an evolving field of study targeting to thwart the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Modernism and Ball Turret Gunner Essay Example for Free

Modernism and Ball Turret Gunner Essay In this poem it says at the start everything is gold or perfect then it goes away in the end which has loss of faith. It is rejecting Eden as a hero and who is flawed. â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own† is modernism because a guy shows up, asks for work, takes the truck, and leaves the blind girl he married at a restaurant. This shows how a human mind can work in an evil way. He took the old ladies blind daughter that has never left home before and she loves her daughter and never wanted her to leave home but the strange man took her and left her all by herself. There is no hero in this story. The old lady didn’t do much to be a hero and neither did the blind girl. The strange man was the opposite of a hero, was greedy, and selfish by taking the car and leaving after he repaired it. â€Å" The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner† is a contemporary work because it comments on itself by saying, â€Å"When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hoses†. This poem has multiple meanings. One meaning is that he is in his mom’s stomach. The second meaning is him in the ball turret of a B-17 airplane. This is very personal. He got killed fighting for his country and they sprayed him out with a hose and didn’t give him the proper burial and respect. Night is also a contemporary work because it is very personal. He was put in a death camp for many years treated like crap because he was jewish. They barely fed the prisoners so they starved and died. They would also kill them with gas and work them to death. He talks about the past with no fear so everyone knows what happened in the past. The whole story is commenting on itself by explaining what happened at those death camps. Some of these stories and poems are modernist and contemporary works. Whether is in our past or present its still important. The works have many meanings and people enjoy reading them for the meaning of it not just to be entertained by the story but the true meaning of it. Poems and short stories have made a big impact in education and the way society is. Many people love poems and short stories but other people can hate them. I don’t like them my self but they still are important in education and for our future world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Mental Health Act Social Work Essay

The Mental Health Act Social Work Essay Introduction: We are living in an ageing society where majority of population live longer and the age of the people over 60 is more than the children under the age of 16 years in United Kingdom. Most of the older people need care. As Bracht (1978) noted, Social works uniqueness come from its persistent focus on the physical, social-psychological and environmental health needs of clients (p 13) 1.1 Explain how principles of support are applied to ensure that the individuals are cared in health care settings. All staff have a responsibility to ensure good standards of care are maintained and organisations need to have internal systems to monitor social care governance arrangements.   Communicate in an honest, open, positive and friendly manner that is appropriate to the Patients/clients need. Ensure you have consent for everything you do with the patient/client. Provide person-centred care and respect the persons individuality and dignity. Protect patients/clients from infection, accidents, injuries and breaches of confidentiality.   Carry out basic observations safely and effectively.   Record and report your findings accurately in the appropriate place. Use your interactions with patients/clients as an opportunity to promote health. Know and respect your role and the roles of others in the health care team.   Accept accountability for your actions and behaviour. Be open to learning new knowledge and skills and to developing your role safely.   All patients should expect the same standard of care, whoever delivers it. The level of supervision provided must be appropriate to the situation and take into account the complexity of the task, the competence of the support worker, the needs of the patient and the setting in which the care is being given. 1.2 What are the procedures for protecting clients, patients and colleagues from harm? Many health care settings are now part of national and international initiatives to promote workplace health. The Health promoting Hospitals Network of the World Health Organization, for instance, recognizes the importance of workplaces as settings for promoting the health of service users and service providers. A big part of looking after others clients you care for, the people who live with, visit and accompany them and the colleagues you work with and looking after your workplace. People cannot remain healthy in unhealthy and unsafe environment. As individuals, all health professionals have a duty to protect patients. All health care professionals are personally accountable for their actions and must be able to explain and justify their decisions. While the scope of their practice varies they all have a duty to safeguard and promote the interests of their patients and clients. Health care professionals must act quickly to protect patients, clients and colleagues from risk of harm especially if either their own or another health care workers conduct, health or performance may place patients or clients at risk. There are many things we can do that will help to make workplace safer and healthier we for instance: Make sure keep working environment clean and tidy, using organizations cleaning guidelines. Keep equipment and furnishings safely stored when not in use and remove trailing electric cables from floors. Report damaged equipment, floor coverings and lights immediately. Look for signs that clients, staff and others, including yourself, may be in danger of harm or abuse or have been harmed or abused. This would include recognizing and dealing with early signs of violent or aggressive behavior. Always follow organizations waste disposal stream policies, particularly with sharps. Clean away spillages immediately, using approved procedures and personal protective equipment if necessary guidelines.   Work with patients/clients in a way that respects their dignity, privacy, confidentiality and rights. Keep equipment and furnishings safely stored when not in use and remove trailing electric cables from floors. 1.3 What are the benefits of following person centered approach with users of health social care services. There is only one way and that is the person centered way it is a journey worth taking. Sally, member of the Transforming Adult Social (Care service user reference group) Recent survey shows that around  £2.7 billion could be saved each year by providing person-centered support for people with long-term conditions. Our society is based on the belief that everyone has a contribution to make and has the right to control their own lives. This value drives our society and will also drive the way in which we provide social care. Services should be person-centered, seamless and proactive. They should support independence, not dependence and allow everyone to enjoy a good quality of life, including the ability to contribute fully to our communities. They should treat people with respect and dignity and support them in overcoming barriers to inclusion. They should be tailored to the religious, cultural and ethnic needs of individuals. They should focus on positive outcomes and well-being, and work proactively to include the most disadvantaged groups. We want to ensure that everyone, particularly people in the most excluded groups in our society, benefits fr om improvements in services. The trend towards a person-centred approach can be found in the work of Carl Rogers (1958) and his approaches to client-centred psychotherapy (Brooker, 2004) initially developed to support people with learning difficulties. Person-centred planning has since influenced work across the range of social care services. Person-centered planning is for learning how people want to live, to learn what is important to them in everyday life and to discover how they might want to live in the future. However, a plan is not an outcome. The only reason to do the planning is to help people move toward the life that they want and person-centered planning is only the first part of the process. In order for people to have real choice and control over their life and services, the people who support them will want to consider the following questions: à ¢-  What is important to the person, so that services and supports are built around what matters to them as anindividual instead of people being labelled according to a condition, an impairment or a stereotype. à ¢-  How, when and where the person wants support or services delivered -rather than a standard one size fits all approach. 1.4 What are the ethical dilemmas and conflict that a care worker may face when providing care, support and protection. Ethics play a central role in the clinical decision making of all healthcare practitioners; however dilemmas can arise with practitioner morality and ultimately professional judgment being central to the correct management. As healthcare professionals there is a duty of care to increase the quality of life of those who present for treatment and above all else to cause no harm.The social worker can also provide emotional support and clarification to the patient and family as things unfold. Many times, the social worker acts as the voice of the patient and family, explaining to the consultants what their wishes are and advocating for them to be respected (Rothman, 1998). Healthcare practitioners must always place the welfare of the patient before all other considerations (College of Optometrists MembersHandbook, 2007) Example of possible dilemmas includes being asked to prescribe the contraceptive pill to under 16s without parental consent. (Health and social care Book 2 Level -2) 2.1 Explain the implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in health social care. UK government had made numerous policies, legislation and regulation in order to protect everyone in health and social care setting including employers, employees, service users and their families as well. Care Standards Act (2000): Ensures all care provision meets with the National Minimum Standards. Sets standards for the level of care given to individuals requiring social care. Requires that all staff have a thorough police check before they begin working with children and adults and that a list is kept of individuals who are unsuitable to work with children or vulnerable adults. Children Act (1989) Made major changes to childcare practice; Introduced concept of significant harm. Introduced concept of parental responsibilities rather than rights. Made wishes and interests of the child paramount. Children Act (2004) Introduces Childrens Commissioner, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and provides legal basis for Every Child Matters. Disability Discrimination Act (2005) First came into force in 1995 and was amended in 2005. Requires the providers of public transport to reduce the amount of discrimination towards People with disabilities on their buses and trains. Requires public facilities and buildings to be made accessible to those who have disabilities. Requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to allow an individual with a disability to gain employment. Data Protection Act (1998) Data Protection Amendment Act (2003)Access to Medical Records (1988): Provide for the protection of individuals personal data with regard to processing and safe storage. The Acts cover: Storage of confidential information Protection of paper-based information Protection of information stored on computer Accurate and appropriate record keeping. Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) Aims to ensure the working environment is safe and free from hazards. Employers and employees should share responsibilities for: Assessing risks before carrying out tasks Checking equipment for faults before use Using appropriate personal protective clothing Handling hazardous/contaminated waste correctly Disposing of sharp implements appropriately. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) Explain to managers and employers what measures they must take to keep staff safe. The main focus of the regulations is risk assessment. The regulations explain how to conduct a risk assessment and what the assessment should contain. Mental Health Act (2007) Updates the Mental Health Act 1983. The main changes are: 16 and 17 year olds can accept or refuse admission to hospital and this decision cannot be overridden by a parent. Patients who are detained in hospital under a section of the Act are entitled to an independent advocate who will speak for them at a review to decide on their future. Under Supervised Community Treatment Orders, patients who are discharged will be visited at home by a mental health professional to ensure that they take their medication. There are many more policies and legislations which are relevant and need to be understand in health and care such as; Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations (1995), Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998), Manual Handling Regulations (1992), Mental Capacity Act (2005), Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995) (RIDDOR). 2.2 Explain how local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements. Several stages are involved in shaping care policies, and nurses can play an important role in all of these. When trying to disentangle policies, it makes sense to look at the roles of the different organisations that develop them. Things that seem to be a matter of local decision-making, for example, what type of incontinence aids to use, can be determined by policies at a regional or national level. These might cover how suppliers or equipment should be chosen (for example, through tendering processes), or set budget or resource levels. In turn, national policies might be shaped by international policies: for example, a trade embargo might preclude the purchase of equipment from suppliers a certain country. One type of continence pad may be more comfortable for patients, more absorbent or more secure, but if it is too expensive, or made in a country that does not trade with the UK, it will not be used at local level. National policies have a major impact on the resourcing of health-care services but, increasingly, they also set performance indicators and evaluation criteria. For example, if one criterion for evaluation is that every patient should have a named nurse, then this will affect how you organise work, or at least the way you welcome a patient into your unit. Similarly, if a set of performance indicators set by national government focuses on measuring throughput of patients, you may find yourself under pressure to discharge people from your care more quickly than otherwise. The first type of policy-making process has the advantage of transparency everyone knows what the process and outcomes are. It can, however, be very slow to respond to changing circumstances. If every change has to be discussed and debated by the full committee, and then formally communicated across the organisation (perhaps with opportunities for people to give their responses before the policy is finally adopted), it can take a long time for things to change. The second type of policy-making process is more flexible, and arguably more responsive to change, but its informality can mean people in the organisation are not clear about what policies are, or how they were developed. It can sometimes be difficult to have an open debate if there is no process for doing this, and it is difficult for people to be updated on policy change with no clear dissemination mechanisms. 2.3 Evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation and codes of practice on organizational policy and practice. Every organization has some policies and producers that promotes equal opportunities and reinforce the codes of practice of specific professional bodies. Organizational policies are the mechanism by which legislation is delivered and implemented. Policies in organizations are includes: Health and safety Harm Minimization Risk Assessment Equal Opportunities Confidentiality Bullying and Harassment Conflict of Interests Since 2000, health and social care services have become strictly regulated and then it became essential for all settings to have a professional code of practice.Organizations have to follow government policies strictly. The code of practice for everyone working within the social care sector includes information on protecting the rights, and promoting the interests, of individuals who are receiving the care and their careers. Policies, legislation and regulation enable the organizations to perform their role efficiently and professionally. 3.1 Explain the theories that underpin health social care practice Social Care Theory for Practice is a major component in Social Care. Professionals role can often be a powerful one. As a care worker you are potentially able to exercise a relatively high degree of control in a situation. French and Raven (1959) identified five types of power: Reward Power based upon the perceived ability to guarantee positive consequences Coercive Power based upon the perceived ability to ensure negative consequences Legitimate Power based upon the perception that someone has the right to expect certainbehaviors (sometimes called position power) Referent Power based upon the desire of subordinates to be like leaders they believe have desirable characteristics Expert Power based upon the perception that a leader has expert knowledge the Subordinates dont have (sometimes called information power). Motivation Theory: According to Stefanle Haffmann(2006), Motivation is a psychological process and it can be explained as willingness of individuals to do something for satisfies a need. When a worker motivated about his job/work employer can get more efficiency. (Robbin and Coulter, 2002) said that, in everyday life, people ask themselves the question why they do something or why not. A need is a psychological or physiological deficiency, which makes the attainment of specific outcomes attractive. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs: Abraham Maslow (1908 1970) along with Frederick Herzberg (1923) introduced the Neo-Human Relations School in the 1950s, which focused on the psychological needs of employees. Physiological; hunger, thirst, etc. Safety and Security Belongingness and Love Esteem Cognitive; understanding, knowledge Aesthetic; order, beauty Self-Actualization; fulfillment and realization of potential Self-transcendence; connection with something beyond the ego or to help others fulfill their potential Maslow put forward a theory that there are five levels of human needs which employees need to have fulfilled at work. Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Taylor Theory: Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856 1917) put forward the idea that workers are motivated mainly by pay. His Theory of Scientific Management argued the following: Workers do not naturally enjoy work and so need close supervision and control. Therefore managers should break down production into a series of small tasks. Workers should then be given appropriate training and tools so they can work as efficiently as possible on one set task. Workers are then paid according to the number of items they produce in a set period of time- piece-rate pay. As a result workers are encouraged to work hard and maximise their productivity. 3.2 Scrutinize how social processes impact on users of health social care services. Marginalization and social exclusion describe the process whereby individuals or groups are pushed to fringes and edges of mainstream activity, where minority groups are excluded from the available to the majority of people. The effect of marginalization is to disadvantage many people and sideline any social, economic and moral concerns for their wellbeing. It is likely that if a group of people experience discrimination and social exclusion, they are also experience health inequalities. Since the Black Report of 1980, it has been acknowledged that those from the lowest social grouping experience the poorest heath in society. Iike in UK inequalities in heath is still persisting. The statistics are stark: For example: Young Black men are six times more likely to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act for compulsory treatment than their white counterparts. Gay and bisexual men are seven times more likely to attempt suicide compared with the general population. GPs often do not accept Gypsies or Travellers on their lists or refuse treatment after first visits. 24% of deaf or hearing impaired people miss appointments, and 19% miss more than five appointments because of poor communication (such as not being able to hear their name being called). Take-up of breast screening is just 26% in women with a learning disability compared with over 70% for other women. Children in the lowest social class are five times more likely to die from an accident than those in the top class. Someone in social class five is four times more likely to experience a stroke than someone in class one. Infant mortality rates are highest among the lowest social groups. Under the age of 65, men are 3.5 times more likely to die of coronary heart disease than women. Women experience more accidents in the home or garden, while men experience more accident in the workplace or while doing sports. Suicide is twice as common in men as in women. The poorest people in England are over ten times more likely to die in their fifties than richer people. Obesity and smoking, two of the leading causes of preventable death, are more common in lower socio-economic groups. Over recent years, we have become increasingly aware of our responsibilities in regard to issues such as equality, diversity and human rights. Like other public sector services, the NHS is under a legal and moral obligation to provide services to all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious or cultural belief. From a public health perspective, the key concern is the extent to which people who are socially excluded or disadvantaged as a result of their ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious belief etc. all too often experience the poorest health and poorest experience of healthcare services. 3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of inter-professional working. According to Barrettet et al, (2005) Quality of service depends on how effectively different professionals work together. Schein (1972) believes that education of health professionals should be mixed in order for professionals to obtain new blends of knowledge and skills. Recently Government stressed the need of inter-professional working which making a difference that our health system must move from one in which a multitude of participants, work alone focusing primarily on managing illness, to one in which they work collaboratively to deliver  quality effective care to clients. Professionals working in collaboration provide care which is designed to meet the needs of clients .When a person seeks hospital care; they will interact with more than one healthcare  professional. The number of professionals involved and the importance of their ability to work collaboratively increases with the complexity of the clients needs. New initiatives to improve management of diseases such as asthma and diabetes invariably points to the need for a more  collaborative approach (Iah and Richards, 1998) 4.1 Explain own role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in the context of working with those within and outside the health social care workplace Health service providers are accountable to both the criminal and civil courts to ensure that their activities conform to legal requirements. In addition, employees are accountable to their employer to follow their contract of duty. Registered practitioners are also accountable to regulatory bodies in terms of standards of practice and patient care (RCN et al., 2006). The law imposes a duty of care on practitioners, whether they are HCAs, APs, students, registered nurses, doctors or others, when it is reasonably foreseeable that they might cause harm to patients through their actions or their failure to act (Cox, 2010). HCAs, APs and students all have a duty of care and therefore a legal liability with regard to the patient. They must ensure that they perform competently. They must also inform another when they are unable to perform competently. This applies whether they are performing straightforward tasks such as bathing patients or undertaking complex surgery. In each instance there is an opportunity for harm to occur. Once a duty of care applies, the key question to ask is: what standard of care is expected of practitioners performing particular tasks or roles? In order for anyone to be accountable they must: Have the ability to perform the task. Accept the responsibility for doing the task. Have the authority to perform the task within their job description, and the policies and protocols of the organisation. Registered nurses have a duty of care and a legal liability with regard to the patient. If they have delegated a task they must ensure that the task has been appropriately delegated. This means that: The task is necessary and delegation is in the patients best interest. The support worker understands the task and how it is to be performed. The support worker has the skills and abilities to perform the task competently. The support worker accepts the responsibility to perform the task Competently. Employers have responsibilities too, and as HCAs and APs develop and extend their roles the employer must ensure that their staff are trained and supervised properly until they can demonstrate competence in their new roles (Cox, 2010). Employers accept vicarious liability for their employees. This means that provided that the employee is working within their sphere of competence and in connection with their employment, the employer is also accountable for their actions. Delegation of duties is summarised in this statement from NHS Wales (NLIAH, 2010) Delegation is the process by which you (the delegator) allocate clinical or non-clinical treatment or care to a competent person (the delegatee). You will remain responsible for the overall management of the service user, and accountable for your decision to delegate. You will not be accountable for the decisions and actions of the delegatee. Delegation must always be in the best interest of the patient and not performed simply in an effort to save time or money. The support worker must have been suitably trained to perform the task. The support worker should always keep full records of training given, including dates. There should be written evidence of competence assessment, preferably against recognised standards such as National Occupational Standards. There should be clear guidelines and protocols in place so that the support worker is not required to make a clinical judgement that they are not competent to make. The role should be within the support workers job description. The team and any support staff need to be informed that the task has been delegated (e.g. a receptionist in a GP surgery or ward clerk in a hospital setting). The person who delegates the task must ensure that an appropriate level of supervision is available and that the support worker has the opportunity for mentorship. The level of supervision and feedback provided must be appropriate to the task being delegated. This will be based on the recorded knowledge and competence of the support worker, the needs of the patient/client, the service setting and the tasks assigned (RCN et al., 2006). Ongoing development to ensure that competency is maintained is essential. The whole process must be assessed for the degree of risk. 4.2 Evaluate own contributions to the development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy. You will need to know and understand: Codes of practice and conduct, and standards and guidance relevant to your setting and own and the roles, responsibilities, accountability and duties of others when developing, implementing and reviewing care plans Current local, national and European legislation and organisational requirements, procedures and practices for: data protection health and safety risk assessment and management employment practices protecting individuals from danger, harm and abuse your responsibility for keeping yourself, individuals and others safe making and dealing with complaints and whistle blowing multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working working in integrated ways to promote the individuals well-being the planning and provision of services developing, implementing and reviewing care plans How to access, evaluate and influence organisational and workplace policies, procedures and systems for developing, implementing and reviewing care plans How to access and record information, decisions and judgements for care plans How different philosophies, principles, priorities and codes of practice can affect inter-agency and partnership working when developing, implementing and reviewing care plans Knowledge of the physical, emotional and health conditions of the individuals for whom you are developing, implementing and reviewing care plans and how to use this information to make informed decisions for the content of the care plans The factors to take account of when evaluating whether your organisation has the resources (human, physical and financial) to provide the services and facilities Methods of supporting staff to work with individuals, key people and others to deliver, implement and evaluate care plans The stages, procedures, paperwork and people involved in developing, implementing and reviewing care plans The use of evidence, fact and knowledge based opinions in records and reports and why it is important to differentiate between these and make clear the source of evidence Legal and organisational requirements on equality, diversity, discrimination, rights, confidentiality and sharing of information when developing, implementing and reviewing care plans Knowledge and practice that underpin the holistic person-centred approach which enable you to work in ways that: place the individuals preferences and best interests at the centre of everything you do provide active support for the individuals recognise the uniqueness of individuals and their circumstances empower individuals to take responsibility (as far as they are able and within any restrictions placed upon them), and make and communicate their own decisions about their lives, actions and risks (when developing, implementing and reviewing care plans) How to manage ethical dilemmas and conflicts for individuals, those who use services and staff/colleagues when developing, implementing and reviewing care plans Contribute to, participate in and run meetings and discussions to agree revisions to care plans, taking account of any benefits and risks Ensure that review meetings are arranged and run in ways which promote the full participation of individuals and key people Collate review information and revise care plans within agreed timescales Ensure that individuals and key people understand the revisions that have been made to the care plans and the implications of these for the health and care services that individuals receive Complete, and support individuals to complete, any necessary paperwork when the final plan has been agreed Ensure that the plan is stored and able to be accessed within confidentiality agreements and according to legal, organisational and any service requirements 4.3 Make recommendations to develop own contributions to meeting good practice requirements. Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users. Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users. Promote the independence of service users while  protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm. Respect the rights of service users whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people. Uphold public trust and

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dolce Gabbana Perfume Review

Dolce Gabbana Perfume Review Dolce Gabbana by Dolce Gabbana Dolce Gabbana, not only popular in fashion industry but also in perfume fragrances. Started its line in 1985 and still sway peoples sensation worldwide. From its first perfume Dolce Gabbana Pour Femme, the company keeps revealing a sensible expression of its elegant designs. The new self titled perfume, Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme was released in 1994 receives three international awards at International Academy Awards of The Academia del Profumo and never stops to entice consumers to spend their cash on. It is one of the top-ranked fragrances in the world together with the other perfumes manufactured by this brand. Today, the labels alluring collection of scents symbolizes Italians mood of chic style. Product description Dolce Gabbana is blended with different likeable smell which goes with sweet, spicy, sexy floral and fruity scent for men that lasts with longevity. It is contained in a semi-cylindrical bottle covered with a black cap and its label is simple but with huge bang. The perfume comes in a box with blue velvety elegance that surely will capture your stare and feelings of envy. The Fragrance Topnotes The opening impression of its scent is an array of bergamot, orange, mandarin and lemon which makes it smells more of a citrus aroma. This citrusy smell attracts womens olfactory sense and so it is played in the topnotes making it more fresh and sexy in appeal. This is probably the reason why it is saleable to the market. On the other hand, Bergamot creates a basic and synthetic odour of the perfume making smells like ordinary,. The quick smell lasts for a day and so it is appropriate for those who have active lifestyles such as teen agers and working men who spend most of their days outdoor. The scent overshadows the sweaty feeling so it is a good product for an additional self confidence. Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme, as a critique for its head scent is more of a womans preference. The strong scent is a bit intolerable and beyond a guys thing. Women are more into strong and uplifting perfume spirit as what Pour Homme has. Middle notes The top smell of Pour Homme is an impression that lasts. Wait until you experience the heart smell which will pull your desire to stick to this product. It takes half an hour to appreciate the middle smell of the product. It is more intense compared to its top notes. You can likely sense the floral, nature smell of it that adds to its romantic and sexy fragrance. A tingle of peppermint also stands out making it cool and more invigorating. The lavender is slightly smelled just after the peppermint which is unique because it doesnt come in one sniff. Base Notes These are the scents that you will exactly live through after a day or two. This comes out once the spray dries on your skin or on your clothes. However, this also matters to each person wearing it. Some skin type does not absorb much of the perfume allowing only to smell the middle note of the perfume. It is better if you spray this on your clothes for lasting fragrance. Puor Hommes base notes are a combination of flavoured musk, velvety woods and much of a vanilla scent that is elegant and lusty. Many have tried and loved the underlying smell of this perfume. Men may spray this perfume just once in the morning and surely be chased by women even at the end of the day. Going out and having fun with friends after work is not a hindrance to you still smelling fresh and seductive. With this assortment of bottom scents can surely gain girls admiration. The Bottle Dolce Gabbana Perfume, as also illustrated above, is placed inside a semi-cylindrical bottle with a black cap cover. It appears simple and if only judged by its look then it will surely flop the market. Choosing a perfume does not actually matters on its bottle. Some are more attracted to colourful containers that they end up buying an unworthy product. There are also perfumes with both high quality and captivating bottles but Dolce Gabbana does not follow that trend. It only launched unfussy bottles but with its natural elegance from the name itself. No need to doubt about this product since the brand already proved itself even in 1985 as it started achieving its fame. The bottle is thick and not easily breakable once plunges down. It contains 1.7, 2.5 and 4.2 ounces of perfume which appears light yellow in color. Its label is also simple with no unnecessary texts written. The Spray Dolce Gabbana users can attest that it doesnt require ten sprays to experience the long-hour effect of this perfume. Two or three sprays are just good to perform its purpose. However, the length of time this bottle is used depends also on the consumers preference and to some factors such as the longevity of the fragrance and its effect on the person who will use it. Others are contented already even just a single spray as long as they sense the smell. Some are in excess when doing a spray because of fear that once, twice or thrice is not enough to give an alluring fragrance. Also, those who sweat a lot are advisable maybe to have more sprays than a non sweaty person does. Heavy sweats, like men into sports have, can vanish the scent of this perfume half day so it is better to carry this perfume with you once you plan to have a formal activity or stroll afterwards. Although famous brands assure high quality and effect of their products, it is still on the consumers hands if how will they utilize a product for it to last longer than expected. Fits for any Occasion This perfume suits for any occasion. This can be used either informal or formal events. Anywhere you want to go, this perfume has no limits. Some consumers find this scent as very strong and so they find it awkward to use it when going to the gym or department stores. This is just okay. No one can dictate you when to use your perfume as long as you can afford to purchase another one anytime. Hence, those who take months to save money to avail the product it is wise if you conserve the bottle for prolonged use. This is more costly compared to other perfumes or colognes so when you find your budget not enough to buy every month then use this in minimum or just in special occasions. The Cost Compared to other brands, Dolce Gabbana is more expensive. The manufacturers of this product are well known fashion designers and so their brand costs much. The prices of this perfume matters if where will you buy it. 1.7 and 2.5 ounces range from 21$ to 60$ whereas the 4.2 ounces ranges from 53$ to 75$. Dont worry, there are direct and online sellers who give discounts depending on the negotiation. Desired Users Dolce Gabbana perfume is desired for mens use. I can range this as 25-45 years old. Younger or older than this age does not really fit for this scent. This is more of a sex appealing fragrance and so bachelors are the favourable targets. Overall Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme is actually a good product based on its array of fragrances that are pleasing for men. Although the price is costly, quality is worth it. However, there are also perfumes out in the market that suits our budget and with almost the same quality as this brand has. Aside from paying for the product, consumers are also paying for the popular and elegant brand. It is actually depends on your taste, budget and desire if you want this perfume to be yours.

Monday, August 19, 2019

International Trade and The Kyoto Protocol Essay -- Kyoto Protocol Pol

International Trade and The Kyoto Protocol Pollution, specifically global warming, is of growing concern to people and governments. It is a controversial issue whose validity is still being debated by scientists. The Kyoto Protocol is an international attempt to address global warming through emissions controls. Traditional neoclassical economic models do not incorporate pollution in rudimentary theories of supply, demand, or pricing, as a result, firms do not consider pollution as a cost of production, which leaves government regulation as the primary method for controlling these externalities. The goal of emissions trading is to allow one business, which can make greenhouse gas emission reductions for a relatively low cost, to sell the rights to those reductions, or credits, to an entity which would find it more expensive to achieve the same level of reduction through in-house activities. Unfortunately, public sentiment on the Kyoto Protocol focuses only on the end goal of reducing greenhouse gas emission and does not look at implications of the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol attempts to establish an international agreement to lower global emissions through a combination of domestic and offshore policies. While domestic policies can have an effect on international markets, they are considered less important than offshore policies. It is the offshore policies of emissions trading, clean development mechanisms, and joint implementation, which are predicted to have the greatest impact on emissions controls and international trade. This paper will outline the provisions of the protocol and attempt to explain some of the shortcomings which may have led to the United States withdrawing its support for the agreement. The ... It needs to include provisions for monitoring and enforcing standards. Environmental improvements may be better accomplished without credit trading. Instead, global standards and an international body of power may be more effective, similar to the WTO and trade. Works Referenced Carter, R.G. (2002). Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy. CQ Press. Washington D.C. Chambers, W.B. (2001). Inter-linkages: The Kyoto Protocol and the International Trade and Investment Regimes. United Nations University Press. New York. Kerr, S. (2000). Global Emissions Trading: Key issues for Industrialized Countries. Edward Elgar. Great Britain. McKibbin, W. J. (2000). Moving Beyond Kyoto. The Brookings Institute. Washington D.C. McKibbin, W.J., Wilcoxen. P.J. (1999). Permit Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol and Beyond. The Brookings Institute. Washington D.C.

Nursing Instructor Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Nursing Instructor PHYSICAL HISTORY: My clinical rotation was at St. Francis Hospital on the orthopedic/medical-surgical floor, 5-1. I was assigned JB for a patient 10/7 and 10/8. He was one day post-op from an elective bilateral knee arthroplasty. JB is a 69 year old Caucasian male who stands 6 feet tall and weighs 251 pounds. He has a history of hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia, degenerative joint disease, and renal calculi. Medications taken at home: Nifedipine 60 mg. QD to manage his hypertension and nonsteriodal anti-inflammatories for the DJD. JB's major problem is the degenerative joint disease (DJD) also referred to as osteoarthritis. According to Colodny, more than 50 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis and nearly everyone 50 years of age or older is afflicted with one or more of its classic symptoms. "Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion." (Lewis et al. 1896) "DJD is a slowly progressive disorder of mobile joints, particularly weight-bearing articulations, and is characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage."(lewis et al. 1896) "In the afflicted joint, the connective tissue (cartilage) that cushions the ends of the bone degenerates and allows the bones to rub together. This bone-to-bone contact can be extremely painful." (Colodny, 24) JB recalled his knee difficulties beginning in early adolescence. He had no specific injury, but the discomfort began a few months after he became involved in athletics. His surgical history consists of two knee operations. The first surgery was at age 16 and the second was several years later. He has been treated frequently over the years for this problem. Recently the number of physician's visits has increased ... ...zed manner. My interventions were appropriate and corresponded with the overall medical team's approach in caring for this patient. A considerable amount of time went into establishing a trusting nurse/patient relationship. That enabled me along with the patient to develop a workable nursing care plan and have a valuable learning experience. Works Cited Lewis, S. M., I. C. Collier. and M.M. Heitkemper. Medical-Surgical Nursing. St. Louis:Mosby, 1996. Potter, P. A., and A.G. Ferry. Fundamentals of Nursing. Missouri: Mosby. 1997. Yandrich. terry J. "Preventing Infection in Total Joint Replacement Surgery" OrthoPaedic Nursing. March/April, 1995:15-19. Kasmot, Keith. "Catching Deep Vein Thrombosis in Time" Nursing. October, 1994:34-42. Colodny, L., and W. Minale. "Osteoarthritis -is there relief in sight?" Better Nutrition. June, 1997:24.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Organizational Conflict in Noahs Ark Preschool Essay -- Interpreting

Conflicts in an organization impact the employees and the organization itself in a variety of ways. It is a constant hindrance in organizational life due to conflicting goals between managers and workers. In definition, conflict is â€Å"the interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatible goals and interference from one another in achieving those goals† (George 287). While most individuals perceive conflict as being a negative aspect in a working relationship, others believe it â€Å"allows the opportunity to release built-up tension, stimulate critical thinking, and strengthen relationships† (George 287). I extensively observed the conflicts at Noah’s Ark Preschool and found these conflicts to have both positive and negative effects on the organization and its employees. During my evaluation I focused on how conflicts emerged, how they were managed, and in what ways the organization could improve its conflict management skills. The first step in resolving organizational conflict is to consider the typical sources of conflict (Donais). The sources of conflict are infinite, but some are recurrent and persistent. Poor communication skills can stimulate conflict and lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employee and manager. While conducting my interview, I learned the director of Noah’s Ark, Regina, is frequently vague and inconsistent with instructions. One employee described a situation in which Regina allowed the employees to wear shorts one afternoon—which is against dress code— but disciplined them for wearing shorts the next day. In this situation, lack of communication and information from employer to employee caused a misinterpretation of rules the organization routinely abides by. A difference... ...; How Dangerous Can it Be?."  Yahoo Contributor Network. N.p., 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Kuehner-Hebert, Katie. "Mismanaging Workplace Conflicts." LRP Publications, 22 Aug. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. "Association for Conflict Resolution—Giving Voice to the Choices for Quality Conflict Resolution."  Association for Conflict Resolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Segal, Jeanne , and Melinda Smith. "Conflict Resolution Skills."  Turning Conflicts into Opportunities. N.p., 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Burrell, Bonnie. "Collaboration Toolbox || MODULE 1 > Conflict Management."Collaboration Toolbox || MODULE 1 > Conflict Management. N.p., 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Dreu, Carsten K. W. de.. "Productive Conflict: The Importance of Conflict Management and Conflict Issues."  Using conflict in organizations. London: Sage, 1997. . Print.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Macbeth Dreams Visions and Hallucinations Rereading

The influence of Dreams, Visions and Hallucinations in Macbeth and other Literary Texts â€Å"The realities of the world affected me as visions, and as visions only, while the wild ideas of the land of dreams became, in turn,—not the material of my every-day existence–but in very deed that existence utterly and solely in itself. † —- Edgar Allan Poe Uncanny encounters with visions and hallucinations blur the presumed constraints of time and space. The ‘phantasms’ or sensory impressions incited by diurnal experiences which are unrealized in normal consciousness, gets holistically unveiled through conjuration of dreams.Referring to one of the foremost exponents of ‘weird’ literature Howard Phillips Lovecraft, definite emotions of pain and pleasure were associated to phenomena whose cause and effect could be discerned by men but those beyond his power of comprehension were marvellously interpreted as supernatural ploys thus, sowing t he seeds of awe among a race possessing limited experience. The process of dreaming aided in constructing the notion of an unreal or spiritual world towards which man’s natural response was fear and hence, man’s hereditary essence became saturated with superstitions.Though the territory of the unknown has diminished in the present times, a physiological fixation in our nervous tissues makes the inherent associations, clinging around objects and processes once mysterious (but now explainable), become operative even when the conscious mind has been purged of all wonder. The appearance of the three Weird sisters at the inception of Shakespeare’s timeless play, Macbeth, excites a sense of awe coupled with a subtle dread due to contact with unknown spheres and forces and their re-appearance in the third scene after the King’s order establishes the influence of ‘supernatural soliciting’.The role of imagination is indispensible since, the deadly out comes stemmed from imaginings of a sensitive mind and even the exposure of the crime happens due to the hallucination of the criminal which provides the turning point of the play. While Holinshed’s Macbeth was merely a brave warrior turned cruel murderer, Shakespeare’s Macbeth has an overtly fertile imagination which plays dual roles; when kindled with hope, it impels him to stifle the voice of his conscience for engaging in a heinous crime and also, increases the anguish of guilt when plagued with fear. Aristotle’s tragic hero has the crowning virtue† or magnanimity (derived from the Greek word, megalospuchia) as a consequence of which, he knows no pettiness or restrictions and fearlessly pursues his passions. That Macbeth effectively slips into the role of an Aristotelian tragic hero becomes predictable early in the play in Act I, Scene 3 from his reaction to the prediction of the Weird Sisters which immediately gives rise to a â€Å"horrid image† which while, unsettling him propels him to play and replay the prophecies in his mind till he starts to believe in their future possibility and is driven towards their attainment.Contradictorily, Banquo is guided by reason and though the third witch predicts â€Å"Thou shalt get kings†, he prevents himself from taking any drastic step – â€Å"Oftentimes to win us to our harm, / The instruments of darkness tell us truths†¦. † The disparity in personality of the different characters is ruled by the varied degrees of imaginativeness which originate from the varying proportions of humours in each person. According to the Greek scientists Hipp ocrates and Galen, a person’s character was influenced by a blending of four fluids or ‘humours’-black bile, phlegm, yellow bile and blood which ruled the body.Later, the Elizabethans applied this ideology in medical treatment and associated each humour with one of the four temperaments-melancholic (ex cess of black bile), phlegmatic (surplus of phlegm), choleric (predominance of yellow bile) and sanguine (superfluity of blood). Unbalance in proportion of any one of the humours perturbs psychological poise, aggravates the inherent hamartia or tragic flaw in the character while making the mind more sensitive to the impressions of visions and hallucinations.Anderson describes choleric individuals as â€Å"easily provoked, given to treachery, vehement in action; fierce in assailing but inconstant in sustaining assault; inclined to envy, pride, prodigality, and wrath. † In Act 1, Scene 5, Lady Macbeth is faced simultaneously with two revelations- a letter from Macbeth disclosing the witches’ prophecy of kingship and the news of King Duncan’s arrival conveyed by a messenger following which she delivers her famous soliloquy where she calls upon the familiar spirits to change her temperament to choleric. Choler could be intrinsic, or the effects of astrology, diet or even time of the day.With her desires that â€Å"no compunctious visitings of nature† thwart her purpose, she unwittingly implies the cessation of her periodic menstrual flow and the â€Å"murth’ring ministers† are called upon to replace the nutritive fluid in her breasts with â€Å"gall† or choler. According to Malleus Maleficarum, the Devil’s power is greatest where human sexuality is concerned and â€Å"all witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable†, hence, the Weird Sisters who have been unsexed themselves and are known to sport beards defeminises Lady Macbeth, turning her thus, into the fourth witch.Since, she feels that her husband is too full of the â€Å"milk of human kindness† and in spite of being ambitious, he lacks the choleric illness necessary to drive him to his purpose, she embraces biological and subsequently, psychological unsexing in order to impart to her husband by persuasion the choleric dr ive the supernatural spirits have bestowed on her and thus the tangible world of action and the surreal world becomes interlinked.Annihilating Macbeth’s qualms regarding the murder of the sanguine Duncan by provoking in his mind fantastic images of kingship, she relieves him of his melancholy temperament. While choler keeps the body vitalized, corrupt choler results in evil passions and dreadful dreams which accounts for Macbeth’s murder of reason and consequent inability to distinguish between the real and the illusory before Duncan’s murder.The illusionary significance of the dagger (floating before Macbeth) is that it is â€Å"air-drawn† consigns it to the dominion of the witches (â€Å"they made themselves air†; â€Å"they vanished/into the air†; â€Å"infected be the air whereon they ride†). Again, Macbeth’s auditory hallucinations preceding the commitment of the murder which involves the continual knocking on the gate (or his own conscience) in the porter scene and the ominous whispering â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†¦ coupled with the spectre of Banquo (visible solely to Macbeth) implies that conscientious nagging is still alive and he has still not been able to gain command over corrupting choler. However, after a few consequent murders, Macbeth attains immunity to fear (the quality of a seasoned warrior) and a stoic control while Lady Macbeth, who had chided him for his weakness earlier, degenerates. By perversion of humours, she succumbs to insanity whose symptoms include sleepwalking. Michel Foucault notes in â€Å"Madness and Civilization† that madness in literature and art appears around the late 1400s.While it was sometimes used in the theatre as a device for entertaining the audiences, madness, often conflated with foolery, had â€Å"still other powers: the punishment it inflicts multiplies by nature insofar as, by punishing itself, it unveils the truth. † This is certainly the case in Shakespeare, whose fools, madmen, and madwomen all â€Å"[remind] each man of his truth. †Left to their imaginings, the insane might revert to more vivid mental pictures, as when Lady Macbeth in her somnambulism, reproaches her husband â€Å"Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and afeard? and instructs him, â€Å"Wash your hands, put on your nightgown; look not so pale! †Music intensifies imagination and in Orson Well’s sleepwalking scene, Lady Macbeth’s voice moves from its usual low tones to a high-pitched sing-song, impersonating that of the witches as they cast their spells, again uncannily bridging the chasm of the supernatural and the real. . Macbeth’s ascending choleric ambition incites his oedipal hubris and he, with the same anxiety which impelled Oedipus to know the Oracle of Delphi, seeks knowledge of the security of his ill-acquired kingship.The three apparitions which the Witches summon before Macbeth compri sing â€Å"an armed head†, â€Å"a bloody child† and â€Å"child crowned with a tree in his hand† accompanied with the foretelling –â€Å"none of woman born shall harm Macbeth â€Å"or â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him† and lastly, the show of a line of eight kings with Banquo at the end, unsettles Macbeth. On his quest to know more, the Witches perform a mad dance and disappear engulfing him in a greater perplexity of the fleeting panoramas and deceiving predictions.Macbeth’s dilemma concerning whether to trust the apparitions or not echoes the eternal debate regarding whether illusions can be treated as banes or boons. While Biblical injunctions state that the dreams or visions which promise truth in actuality are like wind and shadow, â€Å"deceptorium† and â€Å"vanuum†, Gregory believes in the usefulness of certain dreams. Again, Aristotel ian works reinforced the growing tendency to associate dreams with psychological and somatic processes, dismissing the divine or supernatural origin of dreams, confining them to the mundane realm.In 13th and 14th centuries, writers continued to argue that dreams come from varied sources- internal and external, divine, mundane and demonic, and the dream remained strongly associated with the intermediate psychic realm of imagination, bridging body and mind, the physical and the abstract. The conclusion was reached that dreams of psychosomatic, diabolic and divine nature were possible and the psychologist Jean de la Rochelle emphasized the dream’s duplicity according to which if he dream arose due to the operation of the spiritual essence that is devil, it is called illusion. Similarly, if the dream was triggered by a good spiritual substance, it was known as a revelation. In Macbeth’s case, it is conceived then that the illusions outnumbered the revelations leading him g radually to his downfall-his â€Å"bad angel† fires his â€Å"good one out†. Macbeth’s vision and hallucinations have influenced myriads of later literary works including Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, the fifth book in the series by Rowling.Not only does the notion of disclosure of the prophecy by Professor Trelawney claiming that neither could live while the other survived reverberates the theme of the Witches’ prophecies central to the play, throughout the book, Harry continues to have perturbing dreams. Through Harry’s psychic connection with Voldemort, he has the premonition in which he sees himself transfigured into a snake about to attack Arthur Weasley, his friend Ron’s father which propels him to raise an alarm thus saving a life.While this vision, though inadvertent, acts as a boon, later, partially due to Harry’s failure at Occlumency( the art of compartmentalizing one’s emotions and thoughts), Voldemort take s the role of the evil Witches, invading his mind and creating the illusion of his godfather, Sirius Black’s imminent danger. Harry’s belief in the hallucination in this case, ushers further peril, resulting in the loss of Black’s life.Even in the genre of graphic novels, the first dialogue of the protagonist Vendetta in Alan Moore’s â€Å"V for Vendetta†, is borrowed from Macbeth, â€Å"â€Å"The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him† and proceeds to explore the common theme of hallucinations. For reshaping Evey’s character and to purge her of the weaknesses preventing her from becoming ruthless albeit for a greater cause (and consequently, V’s rightful partner and successor in the commitment of murders), the anarchist Vendetta whose role is similar to that of Lady Macbeth’s makes her go through a hoax ordeal when she starts believing what she is made to see.Again, Eric Finch, the head of  The Nose  Ã¢ €” the regular police force, travels to the abandoned site of Larkhill, where he takes  LSD and the introduction of hallucinogens to artificially induce visions propagates the idea how the notion of hallucination has developed in literary history. Finch’s  hallucinations show him his past life, where he was the lover of a black woman who was sent to the concentration camps for her race. His delusions also make him act as a prisoner of Larkhill who is soon freed, like V, giving him an intuitive understanding of himself. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow† proves the illusory movement of time-backward or forward, for Macbeth, who is caught in the sameness of any day. Tomorrow merges with today and acts as if it is today rendering a reverie-like appearance to the play- â€Å"All that we see or seem/ Is but a dream within a dream†¦ †(Poe) Though the debate regarding the beneficence or derogatory effect of hallucinations and visions remains unresolve d, the importance of life being negated as a â€Å"poor player†, the titanic significance of dreams, induced from traceable and untraceable sources, gains the limelight.Lovecraft’s theory of cosmicism stating that human life, interest, emotions have no validity or significance in the cosmos-at-large is at par with Shakespeare’s nihilistic observation through Macbeth, â€Å"Life is but a walking shadow†¦. † Macbeth’s humaneness has already undergone irreversible plunder, driven by the overwhelming impression of the Witches’ prophecies, so that he is incapable of feeling much sorrow at the news of his loyal partner’s death, he has lived in, through and for his fantastic imaginings. â€Å"Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon. †- â€Å"Beyond the Walls of Sleep†, H. P. Lovecraft (2196 w ords) Works Cited: Arnold, Aerol: â€Å"The Recapitulation Dream in Richard III and Macbeth. † Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. (Winter, 1955), pp. 51-62, JSTOR Bella, Tenijoy La: â€Å"A Strange Infirmity†: Lady Macbeth’s Amenorrhea. Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Autumn, 1980), pp. 381-386, JSTOR Crawford, A. W. : â€Å"The Apparitions in Macbeth. † Modern Language Notes, Vol. 39, No. 6 (Jun. , 1924), pp. 345-350, JSTOR Fahey, Caitlin Jeanne: â€Å"Altogether governed by humours: The Four Temperaments in Shakespeare† Favila, Marina: â€Å"Mortal Thoughts and Magical Thinking in Macbeth. † Modern Philology, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Aug. , 2001), pp. 1-25, JSTOR Foucault, Michael: Madness and Civilization Grossvogel, David I. : â€Å"When the Stain Won’t Wash: Polanski’s Macbeth. † Diacritics, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer, 1972), pp. 46-51 JSTOR Kramer, Heinrich and Sprenger, James: The Malleus Maleficarum Kruger, Steven F. : D reaming in the Middle Ages Leonard, Kendra Preston: Shakespeare, Madness and Music Lovecraft, H. P. : Supernatural Horror in Literature – – – H. P. Lovecraft goes to the MoviesMoore, Alan and Lloyd, David: V for Vendetta Moschovakis, Nick: Macbeth New Critical Essays Parker, Barbara L. : â€Å"The Great Illusion. † The Sewanee Review, Vol. 78, No. 3 (Summer, 1970), pp. 476-487, JSTOR Paul, Henry N: â€Å"Macbeth’s Imagination†- Bloom’s Macbeth through the Ages Poe, Edgar Allan: Benerice – – – : A Dream within a Dream Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Wain, John: Macbeth, a Casebook Welles, Orson dir. , Macbeth, Republic Pictures, 1948. Film.